Hire Local Nannies - Manhattan nannies




We'd love to hear from you! Please provide us with your information and email your resume to info@manhattannannies.com

Please note our requirements before applying: (Requirements may vary depending on position)


  • Minimum 3 years of experience in your field

  • Legal to work in the US

  • Live in New York City or surrounding area

  • Willing and able to travel worldwide (although traveling is not required for every position)

  • Have at least 2 professional references

  • Proof of extensive training in their field (education background, degrees, certifications, etc)

  • Strong knowledge of NYC

  • Pass an extensive background check

Candidate FAQs

Why use us to find a nanny position?

At Manhattan Nannies, we advocate for every nanny's best interest. It’s no secret that working with an agency usually means better job opportunities. We require the families we work with to provide fair pay, and we negotiate for you so you don’t have to. We will support you in all areas that will help improve your professionalism. This includes resume help or photo assistance.

What are the requirements to be a candidate with Manhattan Nannies and Staffing? 

  • Must be legal to work in the US (EAC card) 

  • Minimum of three years experience in your field 

  • Have at least two professional references

  • Willing and able to travel worldwide (although traveling is not required for every position)

  • Proof of extensive training in your field (education background, degrees, certifications, etc)

  • Strong knowledge of NYC

  • Pass an extensive background check

Do nannies have to pay a placement fee?

No. Our placement services are always free of charge for our candidates. 

How long does it take to find a position?

It varies from candidate to candidate. It could take anywhere from a week to a few months depending on many factors. If a candidate is diligent about interviewing and follows our advice on best practices, this can directly speed up the process. Finding the best match for candidates and families is our priority.

What benefits can you expect as a nanny? 

Take a look at our blog post Perks of Being a Nanny

What does the process of finding a nanny position look like? 

  1. Reach out to us at info@manhattannannies.com.

  2. We will schedule a call where you tell us about yourself, your childcare experience, and for you to describe what kind of position you’re looking for. We will use this information to help you build a professional presence and an interview-ready resume.

  3. We will send you family profiles that best fit your ideal job opportunity. You choose families that are good fits, and we will set up an interview.(For best interview practices, click here. )

  4. You interview with families until you find a position. 

  5. If both the nanny and family are happy with the placement after a trial, you’re officially hired!

How long must I commit to a position? 

Unless it's a temporary position, standard permanent placements are a minimum two-year commitment. 

How do I make sure my interview is a success? 

Read our blog post Nanny Interview Tips and Advice for best interview practices. 

How do I apply?

Email us at info@manhattannannies.com 

You can also fill out this form, and we will get back to you shortly.