How to Travel With Your Nanny

Six Tips on Traveling With Your Nanny

Now that summer is finally upon us, we can really start getting excited about our long-held travel plans. Summer vacations are an opportunity for family bonding without the distractions of everyday life. While you would think family vacations are simply for family members, some families bring a nanny along for the ride. Having a nanny join you on your family trip will no doubt take the pressure off and make your vacation feel like a real vacation. 

Nannies can help make your family vacation run smoothly by: 

  • Helping with child-related packing, organization, and trip preparation 

  • Handling the day-day care of the children, allowing for more intentional family time

  • Giving parents flexibility for adult outings and date nights

  • Being a built-in best friend for your children 

Spending a week or more with your nanny may seem like a big commitment, especially if you’re used to the typical 9-5 schedule, but we have some tips to make sure traveling with your nanny is a breeze. 

Give Advance Notice of the Upcoming Trip

You may think getting paid to work in a vacation destination sounds like a dream, but nannies have lives too. Nannies will need to make sure they clear their schedules and tie up any loose ends before committing to your trip, which is why you should give your nanny plenty of heads up about your travel plans. If you give them ample notice about your upcoming trip, there’s a better chance they’ll say yes to tagging along. 

Ideally, you should give your nanny three months notice and at minimum, thirty days notice. 

Discuss Schedules, Responsibilities, and Expectations Before the Trip

To avoid confusion, you and your nanny must discuss the schedule, responsibilities, and any expectations before the trip even starts. Be sure to outline when your nanny is on and off the clock and any overtime you expect them to work. Many families have a typical 9-5 schedule worked out with their nanny, but if you plan to adjust those hours during your trip, it’s important to make that clear. 

Discuss what the nanny’s responsibilities will be and what your expectations are for this trip. Would you like your nanny to wake up with the children or handle bedtime routines? Are there any excursions the nanny will have to attend and help the children out with? Are they comfortable with your planned activities like swimming or skiing? Do you want a few date nights or parent-only outings on your trip? These are all aspects to discuss before you hop on that flight. 

Cover All Travel Expenses

When you take your nanny on a trip, it’s your responsibility to cover all their travel expenses. 

This includes:

  • Hotel rooms and accommodation  

  • Meals

  • Flights and transportation reimbursement 

  • Any excursions, activities, or outings during scheduled hours

It’s also become standard to give your nanny a daily stipend to use during their free time on the trip. Although your nanny is technically working on this vacation, they deserve to have a bit of fun too! Offering a stipend is a great way to ensure your nanny feels appreciated and is able to enjoy the trip more freely. 

Make Sure Your Nanny is Comfortable With the Accommodations

This may be the first extended period of time your family and nanny will be together, so making sure everyone is comfortable with the accommodations is vital. Be mindful of the accommodations you plan for your nanny, and make sure they’re comfortable with the setup. Whether you all will be staying in a hotel or in a family home, it’s standard that the nanny will have their own space for when they’re off the clock. Doing this ensures your nanny’s privacy and boundaries are respected. 

Collaborate and Plan Ahead 

Teamwork makes the dream work. Planning ahead is the best way to ensure a smooth and stress-free trip. If you’re the type to push things off to the last minute, your nanny will also feel this stress. Be proactive and collaborate with your nanny on travel logistics, like what to pack for the children or how you plan to work together during hectic airport travel days. Doing this will allow you to avoid any last scrambling, and you’ll all be smooth sailing on your way to paradise. 

Make Sure to Give Your Nanny Freetime 

Yes, this is your family’s vacation, but it’s a good idea to make sure your nanny has a bit of downtime too! They’ll appreciate having some well-deserved time off throughout the busy week, especially on those long days when they worked a date night or woke up early with the children. Consider giving them a morning or evening off sometimes to help your nanny feel balanced and refreshed throughout the entirety of the trip.

Florence Johnson